WWII Auto-Ordnance M1 Thompson Submachine.'' you c [...]
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€ 1.850,00
US WW2 Double Buckle Combat Boots,''1944''
US WW2 M1C Paratrooper Helmet
US WW2 M-1910 T-Shovel,It is stamp with W.L Dumas [...]
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€ 170,00
WW2 US Paratrooper Jump Boots
Product ID: 38136
€ 550,00
US WW2 M1 Grenade Projection Adapter for the stand [...]
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Us ww2 browning 1919A4 .30 machine gun tripod.
Product ID: 36954
€ 450,00
US WW2 M1 Grenade Projection Adapter for the stand [...]
Product ID: 36133
€ 100,00
US WW2 M1 Grenade Projection Adapter
Product ID: 35966
€ 100,00
US WW2 M1 Grenade Projection Adapter
Product ID: 35836
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US WW2 United States Paratroops breast patch
Product ID: 34844
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WWII First Allied Airborne Patch
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€ 55,00
WWII US Army Airborne Command Patch
Product ID: 32868
€ 55,00